Articulation and General Studies Committee (AGSC/STARS)
Act. 94-202, enacted in March 1994 by the Alabama legislature has been viewed by many as one of the most important initiatives undertaken for higher education in Alabama. The legislation was designed to resolve issues related to the transfer of credit among public postsecondary institutions in the state. To implement the provisions specified in the Act the legislation provided for the creation of an Articulation and General Studies Committee (AGSC) charged with the development of a statewide articulation agreement for the transfer of credit among all the public institutions. In addition, the legislation designated a single agency to be responsible for developing the computerized database (STARS) and design of student contractual agreements to be honored among all public institutions.
Today, an Executive Director and staff provide oversight of the day-to day activities of this system. In addition, there are AGSC/STARS contacts at every two year and four-year institution who facilitate communication and understanding of the goals and objectives of this program.
- Dr. Robin McGill
- Deputy Director of Academic Affairs
- (334) 242-2104